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2nd Mobility in Latvia

Yazarın fotoğrafı: LetsImprove WithSteamLetsImprove WithSteam

Güncelleme tarihi: 19 Ara 2021

The second project meeting took place between the 15th of April and the 19th of April, 2019, in Daugavpils, Latvia. STEAM topic: Engineering

On the first day all the deligations arrived at Daugavpils Saskaņas school. After the welcome speeches and a short performance by school music and dance group the word was given to Project Coordinator Engin Karamanli to open the 2nd project meeting.

Then the time has come for STEAM activities.

All the participants were invited to take part in STEAM Carousel: three workshops on Design –Maths – Engineering. The mottor of the day was:

"Art without engineering is dreaming. Engineering without art is calculating."

Also students showed their presentations on the topic “Top 10 Engineering Achievements in your Country”

On the second day students switched to another type of activity in Science & curiosity centers ZINOO. Students continued their work in international groups. They created Spaghetti Bridges and tested their strength. After that students and teachers explored the scientific exhibits, which was both educating and exciting.

Two STEAM workshops were held in Riga Technical University, Daugavpils Affiliation.

Students and teachers had a great opportunity to experience and learn about two different disciplines within the field of engineering: Arduino; Control circuits and Elements of pneumatic systems.

Among other project activities - a guided tour to Acson Cable Ltd., a visit to Daugavpils University, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and the Observatory; STEAM activities organized in Daugavpils Clay Art Centre.

All in all, these days were busy and full of new experiences.

The cultural component of the Meeting has become an equally valuable experience.

Our partners visited Latvian capital – Riga and enjoyed this fascinating city where centuries-old architecture and German-influenced facades stand tall along cobble-stoned streets and the edge of the Daugava River. And the educational tour around Pharmacy Museum was reallyexciting!

We are very thankful to all the participants for being so active and creative and to the host families for providing warm welcome for guest students! It was a very meaningful experience for all of us!



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